European Driving Schools Association: New ACEM project in partnership with the German Road Safety Council (DVR)

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European Driving Schools Association: New ACEM project in partnership with the German Road Safety Council (DVR)

European Driving Schools Association: New ACEM project in partnership with the German Road Safety Council (DVR) 600 400 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

We meet Dr. Veneta Vassileva, Safety coordinator of ACEM, the Association of European Motorcycle Industry.

Veneta explain us the new ACEM project in partnership with the German Road Safety Council (DVR).

If you permit me, I would like first to explain what is the background of this new initiative. In recent years a substantial improvement in motorcycle safety has been achieved in Europe, but the motorcycle industry believes that further efforts are needed to decrease road fatalities, reduce rider’s vulnerability and reap the benefits  that PTWs bring to society in terms of mobility, leisure, sport or tourism. Continue reading in