European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

High-quality post-licence
motorcycling training programmes

What is the training quality label all about?

The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label helps motorcyclists to identify the best post-licence training programmes in their countries.

The Quality Label is granted to programmes delivered by training schools that have undergone a rigorous and objective evaluation.

This helps us to ensure that you will get only the very best motorcycle training available.

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Why is post-licence
training important?

As the European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, explains in this video, human behaviour is one of the main causes of road accidents. That is why lifelong and appropriate training plays a key role in preserving motorcyclists’ safety.

Voluntary post-licence training allows riders to upgrade their skills, enhance their risk perception and increase their safety awareness.

Post-licence training is recommended for all riders, particularly those who are upgrading to a more powerful vehicle or who stopped riding for an extended period of time and now want to start again.

Looking for high-quality
safety training?