
ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy

ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy 1021 512 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Today, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers, ACEM, presented “The safe ride to the future 2.0”, the motorcycle industry’s safety strategy.

“The safe ride to the future 2.0” sets the motorcycle sector’s vision for Horizon 2030 in areas such as advanced safety technology and connectivity. It also elaborates on the industry’s initiative to increase the quality of post-licence motorcycle training in Europe through a European Training Quality Label.
The policy document also describes how the motorcycle sector is working with other European and national stakeholders to promote the implementation of transport policies that encompass motorcycle safety.

The motorcycle industry supports the adoption, by policymakers, of a Safe System approach towards motorcycling, simultaneously addressing human, vehicle and road infrastructure factors. This, combined with a stronger engagement with civil society and the public and private sectors, will result in further improvements in motorcycle safety.


Antonio Perlot, ACEM Secretary General, said: “There are more than 34 million motorcycles, scooters and mopeds in use across Europe. These bring considerable benefits, such as affordable mobility, reduced traffic congestion levels, access to jobs and services, as well as enjoyment through activities such as leisure mobility, sports and tourism. The motorcycle industry calls upon national, regional and local policymakers to embrace inclusive motorcycle mobility and safety policies, benefiting users as well as the rest of society.”.

Adina Vălean, European Commissioner for Transport, welcomed the industry strategy: “We commend the commitment of ACEM, and I welcome the motorcycle industry’s road safety strategy. The EU committed to reduce road fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2030. To reach this ambitious target, we are implementing the Safe System approach which addresses all important areas for road safety: infrastructure, vehicles, driving behaviour and post-crash care. The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label has been strongly supported by the European Commission. Indeed, high-quality safety training is a fundamental element in the Safe System approach. We must continue working together towards better road safety for all on Europe’s roads”.

Matthew Baldwin, European Coordinator for Road Safety, said: “This is great work from ACEM and we need more strong stakeholder involvement like this at all levels. This is an efficient way to deliver well-tailored safety initiatives that are relevant to the motorcycle community. We will continue to work closely with the industry and are very grateful for their determination to help us meet the safety targets agreed within the EU and of course now set globally at UN level for the next decade”.

For more information on this initiative and to read the full strategy, please visit the dedicated brand-new website:

Press contact

For further information please contact:
Ilaria Balloni. ACEM communications assistant
P. +32 22 30 97 32

Documents available to download

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – EN [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – DE [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – ES [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – FR [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – IT [PDF]

Photo – Antonio Perlot, ACEM Secretary General , and Matthew Baldwin, European Coordinator for Road Safety [JPG]

European Commissioner for Transport presents Road Safety Award to the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

European Commissioner for Transport presents Road Safety Award to the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label 1140 570 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Today the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label received the Road Safety Charter Award in the category “voluntary commitments” during an event organized by the European Commission in Brussels. The European award acknowledges inspirational and innovative initiatives that contribute towards improving road safety and saving lives on Europe’s roads.

The award was presented by the European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, to the Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), Antonio Perlot, who received it on behalf of the three members running the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label: ACEM, the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) and the German Road Safety Council (DVR).

The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is a voluntary certification scheme for post-licence motorcycle training programmes open to all training bodies. Its main objective is to help motorcyclists to recognize the best post-licence training options in Europe. The scheme was launched in 2016 and has certified 29 motorcycle training programmes in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden, with more programmes currently under assessment.

The Road Safety Award is one of the flagship initiatives of the European Road Safety Charter, the most important Europe-wide civil society platform on road safety. The Charter was initiated in 2004 by the European Commission to encourage key stakeholders to take specific and measurable road safety action within their area of responsibilities.


Commenting on the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label, the European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said: “We are grateful that the European Motorcycling Training Quality Label has been set up, responding to our call for voluntary commitments. Europe has some high-quality training schemes on offer, and the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label will help motorcyclists to identify the very best of them”.

Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), said: “I am delighted to receive this award on behalf of the consortium running this programme. The Label is not only part of the motorcycle industry’s forward-looking safety strategy but also an excellent example of how cooperation between industry players, NGOs, motorcycle trainers and users’ organisations can deliver positive results in motorcycle safety”.

Christian Kellner, German Road Safety Council (DVR) CEO: “We are grateful to the European Commission for this award that honours the work of all the people involved in the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label. This recognition motivates us to continue working every day to make Europe’s roads safer”.

Jesper Christensen, FIM Director for Public Affairs: “Receiving this award from the European Commission is an honourable recognition of the joint road safety commitment made by FIM, ACEM and DVR. It shows that high quality post-licence training does play an important role in preserving motorcyclists’ safety and should be encouraged. This award is also one more reason for our organisation to continue supporting high quality training for all motorcyclists”.

Press contact

For further information please contact:
Ilaria Balloni. ACEM communications assistant
P. +32 22 30 97 32

Documents available to download

Press Release – European Commissioner for Transport presents Road Safety Award to the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – EN [PDF]

Press Release – European Commissioner for Transport presents Road Safety Award to the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – FR [PDF]

Press Release – European Commissioner for Transport presents Road Safety Award to the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – DE [PDF]

Press Release – European Commissioner for Transport presents Road Safety Award to the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – ES [PDF]

Press Release – European Commissioner for Transport presents Road Safety Award to the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – IT [PDF]

Photo – ACEM and FIM receiving the award

Photo – Road Safety Award Ceremony

Photo – Road Safety Award family picture

“Ready to Ride” motorcycle training programme receives the European Training Quality Label

“Ready to Ride” motorcycle training programme receives the European Training Quality Label 1140 570 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

The “Ready to Ride” motorcycle training programme, by the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Safety (VSV), was today awarded the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label. “Ready to Ride” was introduced in 2015 to promote motorcycle safety training in Belgium. This programme is currently offered across the Belgian region of Flanders in 9 different training centres. Almost 2,000 motorcyclists have followed this programme so far.

The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label was launched in 2016 to promote the best post-licence training programmes in the EU. The scheme is run by the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), the German Road Safety Council (DVR) and the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM). A total of 29 training programmes operating in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden have already been recognized with this award.


Wouter De Clercq, Project manager of the VSV, said: “We believe it is important that motorcyclists take their own responsibility in riding safely with a powered two-wheeler. Riding a motorcycle is far from being an easy task. Motorcyclists, as vulnerable road users, must be aware of any risks on the roads and recognize hazards that are specific to powered two-wheelers”.

“VSV developed its “Ready to Ride” safety training programme precisely to achieve this important objective. The programme is currently delivered in several training centres in Flanders”.

Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) said: “Many motorcycle training centres offer excellent post-licence programmes. However, it is not always easy for motorcyclists to know which ones to do. This is why we are delighted to award the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label to this programme. It is the recognition of both the quality of the training programme established by VSV and its commitment to making a positive difference to motorcycle safety”.

“The motorcycle industry fully supports the EU’s objective to reduce the number of fatal and serious accidents on Europe’s roads. This is precisely why our sector is working closely with public authorities, training organisations and users to improve motorcyclists’ safety”.

Press contact

For further information please contact:
Ilaria Balloni. ACEM communications assistant
P. +32 22 30 97 32


Informational video by VSV [Dutch]

Documents available to download

Press release – “Ready to Ride” motorcycle training programme receives the European Training Quality Label – English [PDF]

Press release – “Ready to Ride” motorcycle training programme receives the European Training Quality Label – French [PDF]

European Motorcycle Training Quality Label Award – High resolution photo [jpg]

European Motorcycle Training Quality Label Award – High resolution photo [jpg]

Race-track training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Race-track training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Race-track training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Race-track training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Race-track training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Road training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Road training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Road training – High resolution photo [jpg]

Violeta Bulc

European Commissioner for Transport endorses the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

European Commissioner for Transport endorses the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label 870 441 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

On 4 April 2019, coinciding with the beginning of the motorcycle riding season, the European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc addressed a video message to motorcyclists, in which she encouraged riders “to embrace a responsible approach to motorcycling and to attend voluntary advanced safety training on a regular basis”.

Commissioner Bulc pointed out that: “Europe has some high-quality training schemes on offer” and that the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label will help motorcyclists “to identify the very best motorcycle safety training courses available in Europe”. The European Commissioner added: “We are grateful that the European Motorcycling Training Quality Label has been set up, responding to our call for voluntary commitments”.

Stefan Pierer, President of ACEM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers, and CEO of KTM, said: “We are delighted that the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label has the support of the European Commissioner for Transport. Quality post-licence training helps motorcyclists to improve their riding skills. It can also make their experience not only more enjoyable but also safer. This label, which is part of the sector’s long-term safety strategy, will have a very positive impact on motorcycle safety across Europe”.

The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is a certification scheme open to a wide range of organisations based in Europe offering advanced safety training. It was launched in 2015 by ACEM and DVR, the German Road Safety Council, with the aim to help motorcyclists to easily identify high-quality post-license training programmes across Europe. Later on, the International Motorcycling Federation, FIM, joined the partnership and the European Transport Safety Council, ETSC, provided its endorsement.

To date, a total of 28 post-license motorcycle training programmes have been certified in Sweden, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany, and further applications are undergoing evaluation (


ACEM press release – European Commissioner for Transport endorses the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label supporting high quality safety training [pdf]

Video message from the Commissioner for Transport


The European Transport Safety Council joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium

The European Transport Safety Council joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium 870 443 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

The European Transport Safety Council joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium

Today the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), the most important NGO in the field of road safety in Europe, has joined the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium as a supporter member. The Label is a voluntary certification scheme for motorcycle post-licence training programmes. It aims to help motorcyclists easily identify the best safety training programmes in Europe.

Also, the motorcycle training school of the Swedish Association of Motorcyclists (SMC) has recently been awarded the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label for their “Advice and guidelines version 3 – The Basics” programme- The SMC motorcycle training school is the largest training provider in Sweden and offers safety training courses for different levels. More than 10,000 motorcyclists attended 300 SMC courses this year.

This brings the number of certified programmes to 28. Motorcyclists in Sweden, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany now know which training schools offer the best post-licence training options.

More information on the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label can be found at:


Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director of the ETSC, stated that: “In recent years, the safety of vulnerable road users in Europe, including motorcyclists, has not progressed at the same pace as that of car occupants. Much more needs to be done through the introduction of higher safety standards for infrastructure and vehicles, as well as better enforcement and encouraging safer driver and rider behaviour. We are pleased to support the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label with its focus on helping riders choose approved training courses that help raise awareness of the key safety issues. We believe improved rider training can play an important role as part of the safe-system approach to road safety.”

According to Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers: “The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is one of the main elements of the motorcycle industry’s safety strategy and we are confident that this action contributes to the overall aim of making Europe’s roads better and safer for all motorcyclists. We are delighted that the ETSC recognizes the importance of this initiative and has decided to endorse the European Training Quality Label. We also congratulate SMC for joining the group of the best training providers in Europe”.

Jesper Christensen, Secretary General of the SMC, said: “Our members ride 80% of all motorcycle kilometres in Sweden, so their safety is a top priority for us. Our five hundred instructors of the SMC School strive to reach out to more riders and provide safety-orientated and fun motorcycle training. We are really happy that our educational platform has received this important recognition at the European level.”

Documents available to download

Press release – The ETSC joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium – English (pdf) 

Press release – The ETSC joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium – French (pdf)

Press release – The ETSC joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium – German (pdf)

Press release – The ETSC joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium – Italian (pdf)

Press release – The ETSC joins the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label consortium – Spanish (pdf)

Press contact

Dr. Veneta Vassileva
ACEM Road Safety Coordinator
Phone +32 (0)22 30 97 32

Honda Safety Institute receives the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label award

Honda Safety Institute receives the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label award 870 441 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Today the “advanced motorcycling course” of the Honda Safety Institute in Barcelona, received the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label. The award, which recognizes the best post-license training programmes delivered in Europe, was granted after an onsite visit by safety experts from the German Road Safety Council (DVR), the most important German NGO active in the field of road safety.

The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is a voluntary certification scheme launched in 2015 by ACEM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers and DVR, to help motorcyclists clearly and easily identify high-quality post-license training programmes in Europe. The label is open to a wide range of organisations based in Europe, including training schools, motorcycle manufacturers and public bodies. To date, a total of 27 post-license motorcycle training programmes have been certified in Spain, France, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany.

The Honda Safety Institute is the latest centre to have received this award. The centre was created in 2009 to provide motorcycle safety training courses and is located in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, close to Barcelona’s metropolitan area. The HSI has 20,000 square meters of tracks and facilities, designed exclusively to train motorcycle users and is the largest facility of its type in Europe. More than 20,000 motorcyclists have been trained at the HSI since its opening in 2009. In 2017 alone, about 3,000 people were trained by Honda at this facility.


Commenting on the award of the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label, Vito Cicchetti, General Manager of the Motorcycle Division at Honda Motor Europe declared, “I am delighted that our Safety Training Institute has been recognized with this important quality label. Motorcycle safety is at the heart of what Honda does and we want to make sure that people enjoy riding in a safe manner. We, as managers of motorcycle companies, have an important responsibility for how people use our products”.

According to Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), “the motorcycle industry set up the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label, to help motorcyclists identify the best post-license training options. It is extremely important that people learn through adequate and professional training, instead of through trial and error. We are convinced that this initiative will make a positive difference for motorcycle users in Europe”.

Albert Cavero, Public relations ands Motorcycle Safety Manager at Honda Motor Europe Iberia stated: “Riding a motorcycle is much more than simply handling a machine. Basic skills are important, no question about that, but motorcycle safety is more than riding techniques, body positioning, throttle control or braking. That is precisely why at our training centre, we not only teach motorcyclists about motorcycle riding but also about the importance of defensive riding, that is anticipating potentially difficult situations and avoiding them”.

Press contact

Dr. Veneta Vassileva
ACEM Road Safety Coordinator
Phone +32 (0)22 30 97 32

Documents available to download

PRESS RELEASE – Honda Safety Institute receives the European Training Quality Label award – English [pdf]
PRESS RELEASE – Honda Safety Institute receives the European Training Quality Label award – French [pdf]
PRESS RELEASE – Honda Safety Institute receives the European Training Quality Label award – German [pdf]
PRESS RELEASE – Honda Safety Institute receives the European Training Quality Label award – Italian [pdf]
PRESS RELEASE – Honda Safety Institute receives the European Training Quality Label award – Spanish [pdf]

Press photos

You can download all the photos from here. No copyright applies

FIM joins the European Training Quality Label to promote better motorcycle training

FIM joins the European Training Quality Label to promote better motorcycle training 870 441 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Today, FIM, the International Motorcycling Federation, joined the European Training Quality Label, an initiative aiming at rewarding the best post-license training schemes in Europe. Representatives of FIM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), and DVR, Germany’s most important road safety NGO, signed a letter formalising this new cooperation during the second day of the International Motorcycle Safety Conference in Cologne, Germany.

The European Training Quality Label that FIM joins today is a voluntary certification scheme launched in 2015 by ACEM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers and DVR, the leading German road safety NGO, to help motorcyclists clearly and easily identify high-quality post-license training programs in Europe. The label is open to a wide range of organisations based in Europe, including training schools, motorcycle manufacturers and public bodies. To date, a total of 26 post-license motorcycle training programs have been certified in France, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany.

FIM is the leading governing body of motorcycle sports, and represents 113 motorcycle federations organised in 6 Continental Unions. FIM has been active in the field of road safety since the 1970s, and many of its members have provided safety-oriented training to thousands of motorcyclists across the world. More recently, the organisation launched “We, the riders”, a global road safety campaign aimed at raising awareness about the presence of motorcyclists on the streets.

Steve Aeschlimann, Chief Executive Officer of FIM, says, “We welcome the opportunity to work together with ACEM and DVR and to become a partner of the European Training Quality Label. We at FIM believe that life-long training is essential to improve the safety of motorcyclists on the streets. Many people pass their driving test only once, but they ride their motorcycle daily. We want those motorcyclists to have decent training and to be able to avoid potentially dangerous situations on the streets”. 

Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), says, “We are extremely pleased that FIM is joining the ACEM-DVR cooperation. We look forward to working with FIM to promote the best post-license training programs across Europe, and to make Europe’s roads better and safer for all motorcyclists”.

Christian Kellner, General Manager of the Road Safety Council (DVR), says, “The human factor has repeatedly been shown to be the most critical factor in accidents involving powered two-wheelers. For this reason, we need to reach out to new and existing motorcycle riders, and help them to make better and more informed decisions about their training, so that they can ride confidently and safely”.

Press contact

Dr. Veneta Vassileva

ACEM Road Safety Coordinator


Phone +32 (0)22 30 97 32

Documents available to download 

PRESS RELEASE – FIM joins the European Training Quality Label to promote better motorcycle training [pdf]

COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE – La FIM rejoint le European Training Quality Label pour promouvoir une meilleure formation pour motocyclistes [pdf]

COMUNICATO STAMPA – La FIM collabora con il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione per promuovere una migliore formazione motociclistica [pdf]

PRESSEMITTEILUNG – Besseres Training für Motorradfahrer FIM unterstützt Europäisches Qualitätssiegel [pdf]

COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – FIM se suma al sello de calidad europeo de formación para promocionar una mejor capacitación de conducción de motocicletas [pdf]

Press photos

You can download all the photos from here. No copyright 

Two motorcycle training programs provided by KTM AG receive the European Training Quality Label award

Two motorcycle training programs provided by KTM AG receive the European Training Quality Label award 870 435 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Today, two of KTM’s Riders Academy training programs were awarded the European Training Quality Label. The award was granted after a site visit and inspection by safety experts from the German Road Safety Council (DVR), a German NGO active in the field of road safety. To date, a total of 24 post-license motorcycle training programs have been certified in Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

The Academy, which was launched in 2018, provides courses that build on the latest empirical research on rider behavior and training, as well as the experience of Klaus Schwabe, one of the leading German experts in motorcycle safety. Training sessions are conducted in small groups of no more than six riders per trainer, and are open to motorcyclists using any brand of bike. The KTM Riders Academy plans to organise between 40 and 50 training sessions in Austria and Germany, involving about 300 motorcyclists

Commenting on the award of the European Training Quality Label, Stefan Pierer, President of KTM AG and current President of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) says, “I am delighted that the two KTM Riders Academy motorcycle training programs have received this important recognition at the European level. Training at our Academy aims to improve both the cognitive and the motor skills of the motorcyclist, increasing both safety and the pleasure of riding”.

Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), says, “The European Training Quality Label is granted to the best post-license training programs in Europe. It is one of the main elements of the motorcycle industry’s safety strategy, and we are confident that this initiative will help motorcyclists to easily identify the best training programs in Europe”.

Documents available to download

Press photos and full press package [ZIP]

PRESS RELEASE – Two motorcycle training programs provided by KTM AG receive the European Training Quality Label award [PDF]

COMUNICATO STAMPA – Due programmi di scuola guida per motociclisti erogati da KTM AG hanno ricevuto il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione [PDF]

COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE – Deux programmes de formation pour motocycles de KTM reçoivent le prix du European Training Quality Label [PDF]

PRESSEMITTEILUNG – Zwei von der KTM AG angebotene Motorrad-Trainingsprogramme erhielten die Auszeichnung „European Training Quality Label [PDF]

L’Europe labellise la formation post-permis du Mouvement des Motards en Colère, une première en France

L’Europe labellise la formation post-permis du Mouvement des Motards en Colère, une première en France 1000 500 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

L’Association pour la Formation Des Motards (AFDM), spécialiste de la formation au sein du Mouvement des Motards en Colère, s’est vu remettre le label “European Training Quality Label” par l’ACEM et le German Road Safety Council (DVR) pour la formation post-permis qu’elle délivre.

Après leur mission d’audit, les experts indépendants mandatés par l’ACEM et le DVR ont reconnu le caractère exigeant et de haute qualité de la formation dispensée, qui permet aux motards d’acquérir un comportement mieux adapté à l’environnement dans lequel ils se déplacent.

L’AFDM forme depuis plus de 35 ans les motards à une meilleure sécurité dans leur conduite, par la connaissance de leurs limites et de leur environnement. Cette formation, élaborée et dispensée par des motards, tous bénévoles, et supervisés par des professionnels du réseau de moto-écoles AFDM, est la première en France à recevoir ce label d’excellence européen.

Selon Dr. Veneta Vassileva, coordinatrice sécurité pour l’ACEM, « l’attribution de ce label à l’AFDM est une reconnaissance de leur engagement sans faille et de leur expertise dans le domaine de la formation pour une meilleure sécurité routière. Nous sommes vraiment impressionnés par tout le travail que cette association réalise ».

Pour Pierre Malexis, de l’AFDM, « c’est une fierté que cette approche de formation conçue par des motards, à destination des motards et mise en œuvre par des motards, portée depuis plus de 35 ans par les motards engagés bénévolement au sein de l’AFDM soit ainsi reconnue au niveau européen. Il est plus que temps que l’État comprenne lui aussi l’impérieux besoin de réinvestir dans des formations de qualité à la sécurité de tous les usagers, sur toutes les routes. La répression sans la formation n’est pas, n’a jamais été, une solution pérenne ».

« La Mutuelle des Motards incite depuis très longtemps ses sociétaires à bénéficier de cette formation, en leur accordant une réduction substantielle de leur cotisation d’assurance », explique Patrick Jacquot, son P-DG. « C’est dans notre ADN de Mutualiste, proposant des contrats d’assurance « Prévention comprise » que d’accompagner nos sociétaires vers une meilleure sécurité, et nous sommes fiers que l’AFDM et notre démarche soient ainsi reconnus. »

Pour Fabien Delrot, coordinateur de la Fédération Française des Motards en Colère, « c’est une reconnaissance historique de la démarche de la FFMC qui, parallèlement à ses combats pour la défense des deux-roues motorisés, propose depuis sa création des solutions réalistes et efficaces en matière de sécurité routière. Cette labellisation, au-delà de l’AFDM, rejaillit sur l’ensemble du Mouvement des Motards en Colère et de ses milliers de bénévoles. »

“Stages of perfectionnement” offered by the French Association for the Training of Motorcyclists has been awarded

“Stages of perfectionnement” offered by the French Association for the Training of Motorcyclists has been awarded 1280 702 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

The French Association for the Training of Motorcyclists (AFDM, Association pour la formation des motards) has been awarded the European Training Quality Label by ACEM-DVR. The award follows an on-the-sport inspection of ADFM’s programme “Stages of perfectionnement” carried out by independent experts on 13 and 14 May 2017. The programme delivered by the AFDM was considered to be a robust and high-quality post-license scheme that helps motorcyclists to substantially improve their riding skills.

The AFDM, a non-for-profit organisation that has been working to promote motorcycle training in France for more than 35 years, also applies different quality monitoring systems in the riding schools that are part of its network, to ensure that their programmes are delivered to a high standard.

Commenting on the award, Dr. Veneta Vassileva, ACEM’s safety coordinator, said:

“We are delighted to announce that the AFDM is the first French organisation to have been granted the European Training Quality Label. This award is a testament to the quality and to the long-standing commitment of the AFDM in the field of road safety. We are particularly impressed by the quality of the work done by the AFDM and would like to encourage French riders to apply to these training programmes”.

“Only 10 months after the launch of the European Training Quality Seal, 21 training programmes in different countries have already been assessed and awarded the label. We hope that more training providers will soon apply and that this scheme will make a positive difference for the safety of motorcyclists in Europe”.

About the European training quality label

The European Training Quality Label is a label that helps riders to clearly and easily identify high-quality post-license training programmes. This voluntary certification procedure is open to a wide range of organizations based in Europe, including, amongst others, training schools, motorcycle manufacturers and public authorities. Voluntary post-license training is vital since it allows riders to increase their safety awareness, as well as enhance their hazard perception skills.

About ACEM

The European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) represents manufacturers of mopeds, motorcycles, three-wheelers and quadricycles (L-category vehicles) in Europe. ACEM members include 18 manufacturing companies and 17 national industry associations. About 156,000 jobs depend on the motorcycle, moped, tricycle and quadricycle industry in Europe.

About DVR

The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is a German NGO active in the field of safety. It deals with policies related to traffic engineering, traffic law, awareness-raising campaign and traffic education. DVR coordinates a wide range of activities for its 200 members, including the European Training Quality Label. To learn more about DVR please visit: