


All 36 schools awarded the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label and academia are joining forces to pave the way to a new high-quality training concept to address the most relevant and frequent powered-two wheelers accident scenarios.

Based on scientific accident analysis, the innovative approach will give training experts and scientists the possibility to develop a set of cognitive and riding skills necessary to avoid these hazardous accident scenarios. The aim is to create a level system that clusters these skills in groups of increasing abilities, encouraging motorcyclists to continue developing their personal riding curriculum over time.

This concept will be offered free of charge to all training schools interested in improving the quality of their post-licence courses. To ensure a larger deployment, it will also be shared with bodies planning to set up voluntary motorcycle safety training programmes in countries currently with limited training options.

The level system concept represents a natural evolution of the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label especially thanks to the united endeavors of training experts and academia, namely:  Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich – LMU, Würzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences – WIVW, Institute for Motorcycle Safety – ifz and Traffic accident research at TU Dresden – VUFO.

The working process will be led by Klaus Schwabe, KTM Riders Academy, the architect of this concept.

The high-quality training concept is expected to be launched by the end of next year.

Commenting on the initiative, ACEM Secretary General, Antonio Perlot, said: “The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label already is an excellent example of how industry players, NGOs, motorcycle trainers and users’ organisations can work together for motorcycle safety. With strong academia involvement we will now take the Label to the next level by providing a self-assessment tool for European riders and a toolbox for motorcycle trainers. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to motivate riders to undergo regular voluntary training and achieve higher level of safety riding performance.”

Dr. Sebastian Will, Würzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences (WIVW) commented: “From the empirical evidence available, it seems like a significant share of crashes involving motorcyclists could be avoided or at least mitigated from PTW-side. Important cognitive skills, such as “reading the road” properly or anticipating other traffic participants’ behavior alongside necessary motor skills will optimise rider-motorcycle interaction. Having different stakeholders working towards putting these skills together should be very beneficial for rider safety.”

Jesper Christensen, Director of the Mobility Commission, FIM added: “Modern schools offering advanced safety training are nowadays embracing a stronger approach towards cognitive skills and the understanding that accidents involving riders may start ten seconds before the crash occurs. The development of an improved high-quality training concept using a solid academic approach based on real world data under the umbrella of Quality Label is a warmly welcomed step by FIM.”

The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is a voluntary certification scheme for post-licence safety training programmes run by the German Road Safety Council, the International Motorcycling Federation and the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers.

The main objective of the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is to inform motorcyclists across the EU about the best training programmes available in their countries and to increase the number of riders undergoing high-quality voluntary training regularly.

There are currently 36 certified programmes in 11 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, with more motorcycle training centres expected to join in 2024.

In 2019 the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label received the Road Safety Charter Award in the category “Voluntary commitments” from the European Commission.

For more information, please visit:

For further information please contact:
Dr. Veneta Vassileva, Safety Manager, ACEM

FIM & ACEM Communications

European Motorcycle Training Quality Label Holders and academia are bringing motorcycle safety training to the next level

European Motorcycle Training Quality Label Holders and academia are bringing motorcycle safety training to the next level 1160 777 Christodoulos Ioannou

All 36 schools awarded the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label and academia are joining forces to pave the way to a new high-quality training concept to address the most relevant and frequent powered-two wheelers accident scenarios.

Based on scientific accident analysis, the innovative approach will give training experts and scientists the possibility to develop a set of cognitive and riding skills necessary to avoid these hazardous accident scenarios. The aim is to create a level system that clusters these skills in groups of increasing abilities, encouraging motorcyclists to continue developing their personal riding curriculum over time.

This concept will be offered free of charge to all training schools interested in improving the quality of their post-licence courses. To ensure a larger deployment, it will also be shared with bodies planning to set up voluntary motorcycle safety training programmes in countries currently with limited training options.

The level system concept represents a natural evolution of the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label especially thanks to the united endeavours of training experts and academia, namely: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich – LMU, Würzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences – WIVW, Institute for Motorcycle Safety – ifz and Traffic accident research at TU Dresden – VUFO.

The working process will be led by Klaus Schwabe, KTM Riders Academy, the architect of this concept.

The high-quality training concept is expected to be launched by the end of next year.


Commenting on the initiative, ACEM Secretary General, Antonio Perlot, said:

“The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label already is an excellent example of how industry players, NGOs, motorcycle trainers and users’ organisations can work together for motorcycle safety. With strong academia involvement we will now take the Label to the next level by providing a self-assessment tool for European riders and a toolbox for motorcycle trainers. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to motivate riders to undergo regular voluntary training and achieve higher level of safety riding performance.”


Dr. Sebastian Will, Würzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences (WIVW) commented:

“From the empirical evidence available, it seems like a significant share of crashes involving motorcyclists could be avoided or at least mitigated from PTW-side. Important cognitive skills, such as “reading the road” properly or anticipating other traffic participants’ behavior alongside necessary motor skills will optimise rider-motorcycle interaction. Having different stakeholders working towards putting these skills together should be very beneficial for rider safety.”


Jesper Christensen, Director of the Mobility Commission, FIM added:

“Modern schools offering advanced safety training are nowadays embracing a stronger approach towards cognitive skills and the understanding that accidents involving riders may start ten seconds before the crash occurs. The development of an improved high-quality training concept using a solid academic approach based on real world data under the umbrella of Quality Label is a warmly welcomed step by FIM.”


Note for editors:
The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is a voluntary certification scheme for post-licence safety training programmes run by the German Road Safety Council, the International Motorcycling Federation and the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers.

The main objective of the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label is to inform motorcyclists across the EU about the best training programmes available in their countries and to increase the number of riders undergoing high-quality voluntary training regularly.

There are currently 36 certified programmes in 11 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, with more motorcycle training centres expected to join in 2024.

In 2019 the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label received the Road Safety Charter Award in the category “Voluntary commitments” from the European Commission.


For more information, please visit:


For further information, please contact:
Dr. Veneta Vassileva, Safety Manager, ACEM

[email protected]




A aposta da PRP no programa de formação de motociclistas é justificada pelo aumento do número de motociclos em circulação em Portugal, o que tem levado a um aumento da sinistralidade com estes veículos.

A Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa vê premiado o seu programa de formação de motociclos com a atribuição do selo europeu de qualidade de formação para estes veículos concedido pela iniciativa liderada conjuntamente pela Associação Europeia de Fabricantes de Motociclos (ACEM), pela Federação Internacional de Motociclismo (FIM) e pelo Conselho Alemão de Segurança Rodoviária (DVR).

Este selo de qualidade garante que os programas de formação certificados são de alta qualidade, orientados para a segurança rodoviária, com base no rastreio do programa e na avaliação inicial. Para além da PRP também programas formativos de Itália, Grécia e Chipre foram galardoados com esta certificação.

”Ride Safer/Conduza com mais Segurança” – Formação de Motociclos”, o programa concebido pela PRP, destinado a condutores já habilitados a conduzir motociclos, é uma formação específica que pretende aperfeiçoar a condução de veículos de duas rodas de forma segura, independentemente da cilindrada, focada na transmissão de conhecimentos e técnicas que permitam a antecipação de riscos e a adoção de comportamentos mais seguros na condução de um motociclo.

Esta formação diferencia-se por ser dividida em dois momentos distintos:

  • Uma componente prática e teórica ministrada em recinto fechado, onde a teoria é imediatamente posta em prática através de um conjunto de exercícios realistas e pedagogicamente válidos;
  • Uma componente prática em via pública onde os formandos são acompanhados pelo formador em estrada e cidade, em situações reais de trânsito.

A aposta da PRP no programa de formação de motociclistas é justificada pelo aumento do número de motociclos em circulação em Portugal, o que tem levado a um aumento da sinistralidade com estes veículos. Dados da Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões (ASF) mostram que o parque de motociclos seguros em Portugal aumentou 83.8% ao longo da última década, de 216004 em 2010 para 396934 em 2019.

Em relação à sinistralidade rodoviária com motociclos, os dados mais recentes da Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária (ANSR) (vítimas a 30 dias) mostram que, no mesmo período, o número anual de feridos leves mais do que duplicou (+107.4%, de 3248 para 6736) e o número de feridos graves aumentou 63.8% (de 304 para 498). O número de motociclistas vítimas mortais de acidentes rodoviários em 2019 (116) foi próximo do registado em 2010 (113), no entanto, foi quase o dobro do registado em 2016 (59) – ano com o número mais baixo de vítimas mortais da década.


José Miguel Trigoso, presidente do Conselho de Direção da PRP analisa “A qualidade da condução de qualquer veículo é condição necessária para a segurança rodoviária. Quando se trata de motociclos, essa condição é ainda mais determinante. Foi por isso que a PRP decidiu investir em ações de formação que proporcionassem um substancial aumento na qualidade da condução dos motociclistas, proporcionando um treino de acordo com as melhores práticas de formação realizadas nos países europeus. O reconhecimento da excelência das nossas ações de formação por parte das instituições internacionais ligadas ao fabrico e à prática da utilização de motociclos encoraja-nos a prosseguir nesta direção e a procurar aumentar o número de motociclistas que queiram caminhar connosco.”

Paulo Fonseca, responsável do Departamento de Formação da PRP frisa “Acreditamos na seriedade e na credibilidade da nossa formação. Os nossos formadores técnicos estão preocupados não só com a segurança rodoviária e com a transmissão de conhecimentos, mas, principalmente, trabalham para assegurar a melhor preparação possível dos seus formandos.”

A PRP conta para este projeto o apoio da Yamaha Europa e da Sprin

Original article:

Greece: MOT.O.E.’S Motorcycle Training Gets European Quality Label

Greece: MOT.O.E.’S Motorcycle Training Gets European Quality Label 387 194 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Five new motorcycle training programs in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal have received the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label. The award is a joint initiative of the European Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (ACEM), the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) and the German Road Safety Council (DVR).

The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label aims at the voluntary participation of motorcyclists in real safe riding training, distinguishing them from those that contain racetrack techniques or emphasize technical skill. If the number of road accidents does not decrease on European roads, then we are likely to see more restrictive measures against motorcyclists.

The program ‘Advice in Advanced Riding – E.Q.L.’ of the Hellenic Motorcycle Institute Motothesis is the natural evolution of the long-term involvement of specific executives of motorcyclists’ organisation (and FEMA member) MOT.O.E. in advanced riding training since 1996.

The program ‘Advice in Advanced Riding – E.Q.L.’ has unique features that make it a superior program. Some of them are:

  • Addressing to every motorcyclist who wants to improve his safety, by supplementing knowledge that was not acquired in the basic training before the exams for the driving license but also what is needed to move confidently on the existing road network.
  • Adapting to the individual needs of each learner.
  • Being conducting in any part of the country – and outside Greece – as it uses daily roads for training, excluding racetracks and track driving techniques.
  • Being offered at a very low cost for those who want to participate in the program. The low cost is due to the unpaid supply of volunteer trainers, who are fully committed to improving the road safety of those who love motorcycles.
  • Being recognized by the private insurance sector, providing trainees who complete the training and successfully participate in the exams, reduced insurance premiums (approximately 45%) for their motorcycle.

Source: MOT.O.E.

Top photograph by Motothesis

This article is subject to FEMA’s copyright

Original article:



A aposta da PRP no programa de formação de motociclistas é justificada pelo aumento do número de motociclos em circulação em Portugal, o que tem levado a um aumento da sinistralidade com estes veículos.

A Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa vê hoje premiado o seu programa de formação de motociclos com a atribuição do selo europeu de qualidade de formação para estes veículos concedido pela iniciativa liderada conjuntamente pela Associação Europeia de Fabricantes de Motociclos (ACEM), pela Federação Internacional de Motociclismo (FIM) e pelo Conselho Alemão de Segurança Rodoviária (DVR).

Este selo de qualidade garante que os programas de formação certificados são de alta qualidade, orientados para a segurança rodoviária, com base no rastreio do programa e na avaliação inicial. Para além da PRP também programas formativos de Itália, Grécia e Chipre foram galardoados com esta certificação.

“Ride Safer/Conduza com Segurança – Formação de Motociclos”, o programa concebido pela PRP é uma formação específica que pretende aperfeiçoar a condução de veículos de duas rodas de forma segura, independentemente da cilindrada, não procurando simplesmente, preparar os formandos para cumprir uma formalidade, mas sim para transmitir conhecimentos e técnicas que permitam ganhar uma consciência dos comportamentos mais seguros na condução de um motociclo.

Original Article:



Today five new motorcycle training programmes, in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal, were awarded the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label, an initiative jointly led by the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), the International Motorcycle Federation (FIM) and the German Road Safety Council (DVR).

The awarded programmes are:

“Importance of Protective Equipment – Accident Risk Assessment – Riding Skills Development”, a programme offered by the Cyprus Motorcycles Federation

“Advice on Advanced Riding – E.Q.L.” a programme offered by the Hellenic Motorcycle Institute MOTOTHESIS

“Safe Driving Course” and “Advanced Safe Driving Course”, two programmes offered by the Italian Motorcyclists Federation (FMI)

“Ride safer – Motorcycle training”, a programme offered by the PRP (Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa), the Portuguese association for the prevention of road accidents

These training programmes have received the Provisional European Motorcycle Training Quality Label, which will be valid for a period of 12 months. This Label certifies that the above-mentioned training programmes are of high quality as well as road safety-oriented based on the programme screening and initial assessment. An on-site evaluation by DVR safety experts will take place as soon as the COVID-19 situation allows it.

Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM):
“The Label is not only part of the motorcycle industry’s forward-looking safety strategy but also an excellent example of how cooperation between industry players, NGOs, motorcycle trainers and users’ organisations can deliver positive results in motorcycle safety. The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label has been strongly supported by the European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean and the European Coordinator for Road Safety Matthew Baldwin.”

Julia Fohmann, Spokesperson of the German Road Safety Council (DVR):
“We are glad that new training programmes are joining the network of excellence of high-quality safety training providers in Europe. The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label aims to encourage riders to undergo voluntary safety training on a regular basis. This motivates us to continue working every day to make Europe’s roads safer”.

Damiano Zamana, Deputy CEO of the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM):
“The FIM considers that life-long training is essential to improve the safety of motorcyclists. Having certified programmes delivering high-quality, post-licence, training contents is one of the objectives of the FIM Strategy 2024. We are pleased to see that our members, in Italy and Cyprus, are actively delivering training programs. At the same time, in Portugal and Greece, the cooperation between the awardees and our members is an example of best practices in support of riders’ safety. The FIM will continue supporting high-quality training for all motorcyclists”.

FIM Communications

Original Article:

5 programmes in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal receive the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

5 programmes in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal receive the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label 387 194 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Today five new motorcycle training programmes, in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal, were awarded the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label, an initiative jointly led by the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), the International Motorcycle Federation (FIM) and the German Road Safety Council (DVR).

The awarded programmes are:

“Importance of Protective Equipment – Accident Risk Assessment – Riding Skills Development”, a programme offered by the Cyprus Motorcycles Federation

“Advice on Advanced Riding – E.Q.L.” a programme offered by the Hellenic Motorcycle Institute MOTOTHESIS

“Safe Driving Course” and “Advanced Safe Driving Course”, two programmes offered by the Italian Motorcyclists Federation (FMI)

“Ride safer – Motorcycle training”, a programme offered by the PRP (Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa), the Portuguese association for the prevention of road accidents

These training programmes have received the Provisional European Motorcycle Training Quality Label, which will be valid for a period of 12 months. This Label certifies that the above-mentioned training programmes are of high quality as well as road safety-oriented based on the programme screening and initial assessment. An on-site evaluation by DVR safety experts will take place as soon as the COVID-19 situation allows it.


Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), said:
“The Label is not only part of the motorcycle industry’s forward-looking safety strategy but also an excellent example of how cooperation between industry players, NGOs, motorcycle trainers and users’ organisations can deliver positive results in motorcycle safety. The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label has been strongly supported by the European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean and the European Coordinator for Road Safety Matthew Baldwin.”

Julia Fohmann, Spokesperson of the German Road Safety Council (DVR), said:
“We are glad that new training programmes are joining the network of excellence of high-quality safety training providers in Europe. The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label aims to encourage riders to undergo voluntary safety training on a regular basis. This motivates us to continue working every day to make Europe’s roads safer”.

Damiano Zamana, Deputy CEO of the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM), said:
“The FIM considers that life-long training is essential to improve the safety of motorcyclists. Having certified programmes delivering high-quality, post-licence, training contents is one of the objectives of the FIM Strategy 2024. We are pleased to see that our members, in Italy and Cyprus, are actively delivering training programs. At the same time, in Portugal and Greece, the cooperation between the awardees and our members is an example of best practices in support of riders’ safety. The FIM will continue supporting high-quality training for all motorcyclists”.

Press contact

For further information please contact:
Ilaria Balloni. ACEM communications assistant
P. +32 22 30 97 32

Documents available to download

Press release – Five motorcycle training programmes in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal receive the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – EN [PDF]

Press release – Five motorcycle training programmes in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal receive the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – EL [PDF]

Press release – Five motorcycle training programmes in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal receive the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – IT [PDF]

Press release – Five motorcycle training programmes in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal receive the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label – PT [PDF]


Example of motorcycle safety programme – HONDA Safety Institute [JPG]

Example of motorcycle safety programme – BMW [JPG]

Example of motorcycle safety programmes – “Ready to Ride” by VSV [JPG]

Formazione motociclistica: cinque programmi ricevono il Label europeo per la qualità

Formazione motociclistica: cinque programmi ricevono il Label europeo per la qualità 1021 512 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

ACEM, FIM e DVR assegnano il riconoscimento ai progetti sviluppati in Italia, Cipro, Grecia e Portogallo
Sono cinque i nuovi programmi di formazione motociclistica insigniti del Label europeo per la qualità della formazione motociclistica, il riconoscimento frutto di una procedura di certificazione creata nel 2016e promossa dall’Associazione europea dei produttori di motocicli (ACEM), dal Consiglio tedesco per la sicurezza della circolazione stradale (DVR) e dalla Federazione internazionale di motociclismo (FIM). Cinque iniziative promosse in Italia, Cipro, Grecia e Portogallo ricevono quindi il prestigioso riconoscimento valido 12 mesi, che ne certifica l’elevata qualità e l’approccio orientato alla sicurezza stradale. Per il nostro Paese l’assegnazione va alla Federazione motociclistica italiana (FMI) con i corsi “Guida sicura” e “Guida sicura avanzata”. Le altre iniziative sono “Consigli di guida avanzata – Label europeo per la qualità”, programma erogato dall’Istituto di motociclismo greco MOTOTHESIS, “Maggiore sicurezza alla guida – Corso di formazione motociclistica” della PRP (Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa), l’associazione portoghese che si occupa della prevenzione degli incidenti stradali e “Importanza di dotarsi di dispositivi di protezione – Valutazione del rischio di incidenti – Sviluppo di tecniche di guida” offerto dalla Federazione di motociclismo cipriota.

Antonio Perlot, Segretario Generale dell’Associazione europea dei fabbricanti di motocicli (ACEM), ha sottolineato che “questo Label è molto più di una strategia per la sicurezza promossa dall’industria motociclistica: è un ottimo esempio di come la cooperazione tra operatori del settore, ONG, enti di formazione motociclistica e organizzazioni rappresentative degli utilizzatori è in grado di generare risultati positivi nell’ambito della sicurezza motociclistica. Il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione motociclistica ha ricevuto il pieno appoggio del Commissario europeo ai trasporti, Adina Vălean, e del Coordinatore europeo per la sicurezza stradale, Matthew Baldwin”.

Gli fa eco Julia Fohmann, portavoce del Consiglio tedesco per la sicurezza della circolazione stradale (DVR), che ha dichiarato: “Siamo felici che questi nuovi programmi entrino a far parte della rete di eccellenza europea dedicata agli enti di formazione che erogano corsi sulla sicurezza di elevata qualità. Il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione motociclistica nasce per incoraggiare i piloti a seguire regolarmente corsi di formazione motociclistica volontaria in materia di sicurezza e ci sprona a continuare a lavorare giorno dopo giorno per rendere le strade europee più sicure”. Mentre Damiano Zamana, Vice presidente della Federazione internazionale di motociclismo (FIM), ha rimarcato che “la FIM crede che la formazione durante tutto l’arco della vita sia fondamentale per migliorare la sicurezza dei motociclisti. Avere a disposizione programmi certificati per la formazione post patente di elevata qualità è uno degli obiettivi della nostra strategia 2024. Siamo lieti di vedere che i nostri membri italiani e ciprioti stiano offrendo attivamente programmi di formazione di questo tipo. Al contempo, in Portogallo e Grecia la cooperazione tra i programmi premiati e i nostri membri è un chiaro esempio di buone prassi a favore della sicurezza dei motociclisti. La FIM sarà sempre favorevole a una formazione di elevata qualità per tutti i piloti”.

Original Article:

I Corsi di Guida Sicura ed i Corsi di Guida Sicura Avanzata FMI ottengono il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione motociclistica

I Corsi di Guida Sicura ed i Corsi di Guida Sicura Avanzata FMI ottengono il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione motociclistica 398 200 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

La FMI vanta da oggi un nuovo riconoscimento internazionale per i corsi di guida dedicati agli utenti motociclisti. In particolare sono stati ritenuti idonei due programmi: l’uno, la Guida Sicura, dedicato ai motociclisti già in possesso di patente, l’altro, la Guida Sicura Avanzata, studiato ed elaborato insieme al Ministero dei Trasporti con l’obiettivo di una diffusione capillare della sicurezza stradale. Il riconoscimento arriva dopo un lungo percorso di analisi svolta nei confronti della FMI da parte dell’Associazione Europea dei Produttori di Motocicli (ACEM), della Federazione Internazionale di Motociclismo (FIM) e del Consiglio tedesco per la Sicurezza della Circolazione Stradale (DVR).

Da oggi dunque i programmi FMI di formazione dei motociclisti adulti, già in possesso di patente, posseggono una certificazione di alta qualità, la cui validità è stata riconosciuta dall’Unione Europea (risale al 2019 il Road Safety Charter Award assegnato dall’Unione Europea appunto) e che, ci si augura, possa aiutare gli utenti a selezionare le offerte sul mercato della formazione.

Il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione motociclistica sarà valido per 12 mesi e certifica l’elevata qualità dei programmi e l’approccio orientato alla sicurezza stradale. Non appena la situazione sanitaria lo consentirà, gli esperti del DVR verranno a visitare i corsi FMI per confermarne “dal vivo” la qualità.

Il Presidente FMI Giovanni Copioli si è così espresso: “Sono davvero contento di questo riconoscimento europeo della qualità della nostra formazione. La FMI dedica grande impegno in questo settore a partire dalla formazione dei più giovani a scuola per poi giungere agli adulti. Con l’obiettivo comune di rendere i motociclisti consapevoli della loro vulnerabilità ed aiutarli a comprendere l’importanza di comportamenti volti a preservare se stessi e gli altri dai pericoli della strada”.

In Europa sono 35 i programmi in possesso del Label europeo, nelle seguenti nazioni: Austria, Belgio, Cipro, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Portogallo, Spagna e Svezia. Oggi, insieme alla FMI, il riconoscimento è stato dato anche alla Federazione Motociclistica di Cipro, all’Istituto di motociclismo greco Motothesis e all’associazione portoghese PRP (Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa).

Original article:

ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy

ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy 1021 512 European Motorcycle Training Quality Label

Today, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers, ACEM, presented “The safe ride to the future 2.0”, the motorcycle industry’s safety strategy.

“The safe ride to the future 2.0” sets the motorcycle sector’s vision for Horizon 2030 in areas such as advanced safety technology and connectivity. It also elaborates on the industry’s initiative to increase the quality of post-licence motorcycle training in Europe through a European Training Quality Label.
The policy document also describes how the motorcycle sector is working with other European and national stakeholders to promote the implementation of transport policies that encompass motorcycle safety.

The motorcycle industry supports the adoption, by policymakers, of a Safe System approach towards motorcycling, simultaneously addressing human, vehicle and road infrastructure factors. This, combined with a stronger engagement with civil society and the public and private sectors, will result in further improvements in motorcycle safety.


Antonio Perlot, ACEM Secretary General, said: “There are more than 34 million motorcycles, scooters and mopeds in use across Europe. These bring considerable benefits, such as affordable mobility, reduced traffic congestion levels, access to jobs and services, as well as enjoyment through activities such as leisure mobility, sports and tourism. The motorcycle industry calls upon national, regional and local policymakers to embrace inclusive motorcycle mobility and safety policies, benefiting users as well as the rest of society.”.

Adina Vălean, European Commissioner for Transport, welcomed the industry strategy: “We commend the commitment of ACEM, and I welcome the motorcycle industry’s road safety strategy. The EU committed to reduce road fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2030. To reach this ambitious target, we are implementing the Safe System approach which addresses all important areas for road safety: infrastructure, vehicles, driving behaviour and post-crash care. The European Motorcycle Training Quality Label has been strongly supported by the European Commission. Indeed, high-quality safety training is a fundamental element in the Safe System approach. We must continue working together towards better road safety for all on Europe’s roads”.

Matthew Baldwin, European Coordinator for Road Safety, said: “This is great work from ACEM and we need more strong stakeholder involvement like this at all levels. This is an efficient way to deliver well-tailored safety initiatives that are relevant to the motorcycle community. We will continue to work closely with the industry and are very grateful for their determination to help us meet the safety targets agreed within the EU and of course now set globally at UN level for the next decade”.

For more information on this initiative and to read the full strategy, please visit the dedicated brand-new website:

Press contact

For further information please contact:
Ilaria Balloni. ACEM communications assistant
P. +32 22 30 97 32

Documents available to download

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – EN [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – DE [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – ES [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – FR [PDF]

Press release – ACEM launches “The Safe Ride to the Future 2.0”, the Motorcycle Industry’s Safety Strategy – IT [PDF]

Photo – Antonio Perlot, ACEM Secretary General , and Matthew Baldwin, European Coordinator for Road Safety [JPG]