
No matter how confident you are on your motorcycle. Riding is much more than throttle control, body positioning or knowing how to properly brake. Everyone can benefit from additional post-test insight and advice from professional trainers.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

Dirk, Belgium

Dirk (Belgium)

Motorcycle trainer

«Very often, making the decision to take the course is the hardest. But, after we work with motorcyclists on their handling skills, techniques and safe tactics, they realise it was all worth it. »

Steven and Heidi, Belgium

Steven and Heidi (Belgium)

Motorcycle trainees

« I highly recommend this course to improve your driving technique and to learn how to anticipate different traffic situations. »

“I really benefited from the course. I learned how to behave as a passenger and how to react in certain situations”

Michiel, Belgium

Michiel (Belgium)

Motorcycle trainee

« I got my licence only a year ago and I thought it would be good to do a follow-up course and learn some useful tips and tricks. »


Pascal and Cindy (Belgium)

Motorcycle trainees

« We decided to do this course because we believe that every self-respecting motorcyclist should take a course like this at least once a year to improve. »

Fabio (Italy)

Motorcycle course trainee

“Quello che mi è piaciuto di più è poter svolgere questo training in sicurezza in questa installazione e poter seguire i consigli di due istruttori eccezionali”

Erika (Canada)

Motorcycle course trainee

“I would highly recommend this course to friends and family members. I have a lot of girlfriends that ride and I encourage them to come”


Santiago (Spain)

Motorcycle course trainee

“Por supuesto que recomendaría este programa de formación e incluso buscaría la forma de que la gente encontrase una motivación para hacerlo”